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- From: Josh Olaf <info@cydonia.org>
- Newsgroups: alt.conspiracy,alt.alien.research,alt.paranet.ufo,sci.skeptic,alt.alien.visitors,alt.conspiracy.area51,alt.ufo.reports
- Subject: Re: Faces on Mars
- Date: Wed, 19 Jun 1996 10:58:29 -0700
- Organization: http://www.cydonia.org/
- Lines: 25
- Message-ID: <31C83FC5.6CB3@cydonia.org>
- References: <4pmltr$2ht@pacifica.access.ch> <4pstf2$237@flare.convex.com> <4puflb$cs1@news.emi.com> <maury-1906961738300001@news.iol.ie>
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- Xref: news.demon.co.uk alt.conspiracy:120514 alt.alien.research:26191 alt.paranet.ufo:53799 sci.skeptic:72690 alt.alien.visitors:88418 alt.conspiracy.area51:11303 alt.ufo.reports:9497
- Maury Markowitz wrote:
- >
- > In article <4puflb$cs1@news.emi.com>, drew2@relex.com (Andy Kitt) wrote:
- >
- > > The point is, Hoagland claims to have evidence supporting his ideas.
- > > To discredit him you need to invalidate his evidence. If he claims to
- > > have photos of a specific area of the moon, then having other photos
- > > of the same area that do NOT show the artifacts he claims exist would
- > > weaken his claims considerably. Without these other photos, you must
- > > find some other way to show his photos were faked. Has this been done?
- > >
- > > If Hoagland had only his claims and hearsay evidence then it's easy to
- > > just call it fantasy without having "images of sufficient quality to
- > > discredit this idea". That, however, is not the case...
- >
- > This isn't really true at all. As I mentioned in my last post, there is
- > a surprising image of Kermit the Frog on Mars. Now, are we to assume that
- > aliens did this, or that it's a natural response of the amazing ability of
- > the brain to find patterns and images anywhere?
- Once again, I ask you, where is your evidence for your extraordinary claim?
- What Viking fram number carries this "kermit the frog" face? For some
- reason you continue to evade the question. Perhaps it's because you are lying.
- Josh